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Klepáček, M. Jirsa, M. Peterka: Embryotoxicity of TPPS4 AND PS 3 photosensitizers in chicken embryo under different light conditions. Neoplasma 48 (3): 214-220, 2001
M. Peterka, I. Klepáček: Light irradiation increases embryotoxicity of photodynamic therapy sensitizers (5-aminolevulinic acid and Protoporphyrin IX) in chick embryos. Reproductive Toxicology 15: 111- 116, 2001
Ježek, P., Nekvasil, M., Škobisová, E., Urbánková, E., Jirsa, M., Zadinová, M., Poučková, P., Klepáček, I.: Experimental photodynamic therapy with MESO-tetrakisphenylporphyrine (TPP) in liposomes leads to disintegration of human amelanotic melanoma implanted to nude mice. International Journal of Cancer, roč. 103, č. 5, 2003, s. 693-702.
F. Saleh, W. Renno, I. Klepacek, G. Ibrahim, H. Dashti, S. Asfar, A. Begbehani, H. Al-Sayer, A. Dashti and C. Kerry, 2005: Direct Evidence on the Immune-Mediated Spontaneous Regression of Human Cancer: An Incentive for Pharmaceutical Companies to Develop a Novel Anti-Cancer Vaccine. Current Pharm. Design, 11, 3531-3543
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T. Vampola, J. Horáček, I. Klepáček, 2007: Three-dimensional finite element modelling of vocal folds vibration in the human larynx. MAVEBA 2007 Hanušovce nad Topľou, In Paper Book MAVEBA 2007, Eds.: Horáček, J. Šidlof, P. and Švec, J. MAVEBA 2007, 08(6) 3003-3012.
D. Kachlík, J. Stingl, V. Báča, I. Klepáček, 2007: Large Intestine Wall Blood Vessels. Surg. Radiol. Anat. 29:469-488.
Renno, W. M., Saleh, F., Klepáček, I., Al-Khaledi, G., Ismael, H., Asfar, S.: Green tea pain modulating effect in sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury rat model. Nutritional Neuroscience, roč. 9, č. 1-2,2006, s. 41-47.
Šidlof, P., Švec, J.G., Horáček, J., Veselý, J., Klepáček, I., Havlík, R.: Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. J Biomech. 2008;41(5):985-95.
Klepáček, I., Naňka, O.: "Bochdalek" skull (syngnathia): CT examination., Brat. Lék. Listy: 110(12):796-801.2009
Klepáček, I., Zedníková-Malá, P., 2012: Bochdalek´s skull: morphology report and reconstruction of face, Forensic Sci Med Pathol DOI 10.1007/s12024-012-9375-5; pp.10
Seznam publikací via Pubmed
Klepáček I., Shbat A., Helekal I.: Obrazový atlas struktur orofaciálního systému s vývojovými a klinickými poznámkami. 1. vydání, Praha, Galén, 2024, brožovaná, 101 str., ISBN 9788074927140
Šidlof, P., Švec, J.G., Horáček, J., Veselý, J., Klepáček, I., Havlík, R.: Geometry of human vocal folds and glottal channel for mathematical and biomechanical modeling of voice production. J Biomech. 2008;41(5):985-95. ISSN: 0021-9290; 1873-2380 (elektronická verze).
Klepacek, I., Jirak, D., Smrckova, M.D., Janouskova, O., Vampola, T.: The Human Vocal Fold Layers. Their Delineation Inside Vocal Fold as a Background to Create 3D Digital and Synthetic Glottal Model. J Voice. 2015 Sep 29. pii: S0892-1997(15)00170-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.08.004. [Epub ahead of print]
Klepáček, I., Naňka, O.: "Bochdalek" skull (syngnathia): CT examination. Brat. Lék. Listy: 110(12):796-801.2009
Klepáček, I., Zedníková-Malá, P. 2012: Bochdalek´s skull: morphology report and reconstruction of face. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2012; 8 (4): 451-459
Shbat, A., Smrcka, V.: Children´s cranial lesions from Neolithic. Prague Med Rep 2009; 110 (2): 114-119
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