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Pavel Šnajdr, MD. Ph.D

MUDr. Pavel Šnajdr, Ph.D. Mailing adress

Institute of Anatomy,
First Faculty of Medicine,
Charles University
U nemocnice 3, 128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic

phone: +420 224 965 710


March 1, 1973, Prague


1992-1999 - Second Faculty of Medicine - MD.

Professional history

1999 - 2000 - Department of Orthopaedics of the First Faculty of Medicine
1999 -present - Institute of Anatomy, First Faculty of Medicine - Assistent

Selected publications

Liska F, Snajdr P, Sedová L, Seda O, Chylíková B, Slámová P, Krejcí E, Sedmera D, Grim M, Krenová D, Kren V.: Deletion of a conserved noncoding sequence in Plzf intron leads to Plzf down-regulation in limb bud and polydactyly in the rat.; Dev Dyn. 2009 Mar;238(3):673-84

Liska F, Gosele C, Rivkin E, Tres L, Cardoso MC, Domaing P, Krejcí E, Snajdr P, Lee-Kirsch MA, de Rooij DG, Kren V, Krenová D, Kierszenbaum AL, Hubner N.: Rat hd Mutation Reveals an Essential Role of Centrobin in Spermatid Head Shaping and Assembly of the Head-Tail Coupling Apparatus.; Biol Reprod. 2009 Aug 26

Šnajdr P, Grim M, Liška F. HOX geny a vývoj končetin v klinické medicíně i v experimentu. ; Časopis lékařů českých 2010; 149(1):4-9

Liška F, Šnajdr P, Stricker S, Gosele C, Křenová D,Hubner N. : Impairment of Sox9 expression in limb buds of rats homozygous for hypodactyly mutation, Folia Biologica (Praha). 2010;56(2):58-65.

Main topics and interests

developmental biology, limb development
surgical anatomy, plastination method

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