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Syllabus of seminars for students of dentistry 2023/2024
Clinical Orofacial Anatomy (B81158)

Seminars: Tuesday 11:00– 12:30

Small Lecture Hall at the Institute of Anatomy.

Compulsory attendance.

The Exam dates will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Week Date Theme
3. 5. 3. 2024
Topographic regions of head. Anatomical basis for spreading of some pathologic processes in these regions. Anatomical basis for local anaesthesia in stomatology.
Spread of inflammation from teeth; anatomical overview.
4. 12. 3. 2024
Anatomy of the teeth, suspensory apparatus and related structures – clinical correlations.
5. 19. 3. 2024
Muscles around oral cavity; modioles and structures attaching on that; subcutaneous structure of the face. Facial and masticatory muscles.
Temporomandibular (TMJ) joint (structure and biomechanics).
6. 26. 3. 2024
The main craniometric, cephalometric and gnathometric points. Face profile. Main planes and lines of the head.
Skeletal analysis of the skull profile; clinical view.
7. 2. 4. 2024
Skull formation and age-depended jaw formation. Thin and thick skull structures.
Selected surgical procedures within orthognathic surgery. Fractures of the facial skeleton.
8. 9. 4. 2024
Topographic regions of neck. Vessels and nerves in the head and neck. Neurovascular bundle of the neck.
Anatomical basis for spreading of some pathologic processes in these regions.Palpation and compression points. The lymph nodes in the head and neck in relation to the spreading of some pathologic processes.
Dissection course Dissection course:
April 2024 - 5 days (April 22 – April 26 from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.).

Dissection and presentation:Topographic region of the head and neck. Head and neck vessels and nerves; extraoral X-ray projections. Jaws formation shown on specimens using CT, CBCT and X-ray methods; tooth eruption.

Selected pictures for study of head nad neck topography I.

Selected pictures for study of head nad neck topography II.

Selection of some older pdf presentations - here

Recommended textbooks - selected chapters:

W.R. Profitt, H.W. Fields, D.M. Sarver: Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th edition, Elsevier, Mosby 2012
Baker E.W., editor - based on the work of Schuenke M., Schulte E., Schumacher U.: Anatomy for Dental Medicine (Latin nomenclature), Thieme 2016
Radlanski, RJ., Wesker, KH.: The Face. Pictorial atlas of Clinical Anatomy. Amazon Book Review
Berkowitz et al.: Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. 3rd Edition, Mosby 2002
Woelfel, Scheid: Dental Anatomy, 6th ed. Williams & Wilkins, 2002
Platzer, W., Fritsch H., Kuehnel W., Kahle W., Frotscher M.: Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy in 3 volumes (1. Locomotor system; 2. Internal organs, 3. Nervous system and sensory organs), Stuttgart, New York 2014 Thieme

Complementary textbooks and Atlases:

Grim, M., Naňka, O., Helekal, I.: Atlas of Human Anatomy II/ Atlas anatomie člověka, Grada, Praha, 2017
Weber, T.: Memorix Zahnmedizin (Memorix of Dental Medicine) Thieme, 2010
Feneis, Dauber: Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy 2007 Georg Thieme
Snell: Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students, Williams and Wilkins 2004
Moore, Agur: Essential Clinical Anatomy, Williams and Wilkins 2002
Seichert V: Little Anatomical Atlas. Praha 1995
Lang J: Clinical Anatomy of the Masticatory Apparatus and Peripharyngeal Spaces. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1995
C. S. White, J.M. Pharoah: Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation (5th ed.) 2003, Mosby
M. Bath-Balogh: Workbook for Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy Revised Reprint, (2nd ed.) 2005, Saunders
E. Whaites: Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology (4th ed.) 2006 Churchill Livingstone.
Ch M. Dofka: Dental Terminology, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2000
Neugebauer, J., Zöller J. E.: Cone beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, 2nd ed., Quitessence Publ., 2013
E. Whaites: Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology (4th ed.) 2006 Churchill Livingstone
Tillman, B.: Farbatlas der Anatomie Zahnmedicin-Humanmedizin Georg Thieme Verlag, 1997
Šedý, J.: Stomatologie 1st ed., Triton 2012

Prague, February 29, 2024

Assist. Prof. Andrej Shbat, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Ondřej Naňka, M.D., Ph.D.

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